Something most peculiar is happening to my Myspace Page. I believe it to be haunted by the totally kick ass Rob Zombie. What is the scientific paranormal evidence I set forth to make such a statement!? Weeeeellllll, about 2 weeks ago, maybe a week, I dunno the days do fly by, anywhoo awhile ago while updating my page I put the Rob Zombie song Dragula as music, for your enjoyment purposes of course when you visit my home away from home, on my page (from his OFFICIAL Rob Zombie page of course, no phonies)!
So a few days later I put this new musician that I was diggin on my page. She was singing about the moon and I thought it went oh so well with my moon backdrop. I'm a matchey matchey person, I like things to have a theme and/or match. Soooo the song played a few days and then WHAMO Rob was back singing his Dragula song. Very tricky Mr. Zombie, but I'm being mz matchey matchey this week, so NO. However it did cross my mind that maybe, somehow, someway the person who was singing the song about the moon no longer wanted me to play her song on my page and somehow removed me. Hows that for a Scorpio mind!
So back to my theme, I put on a new song called Moonshadow by the Great Cat Stevens. I was being chased by a moon shadow for a few days and then BAMO ala KAZAM, the Zombie was back.
So my lovely blog readers, If that isn't SOLID scientific paranormal evidence that it's destined for me to one day meet Rob Zombie (and Sheri Moon) AND be in one of his movies, why dear sweet bloggers I don't know what to tell you. Haunt Away Mr. Zombie Mi casa away from home your su casa from home!
PS, I did change my password incase it was a hacker.
Myspace page located here:
View my page at your own risk. I cannot guarantee that Rob won't follow you back to your page and start haunting you with Living Dead Girl or something of that nature! |